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Supervision contract (as of January 1st, 2021)

§ 1 Purpose of the Agreement

The legal guardian registers the above-mentioned child, who attends classes 1-6 as a pupil at the MPS Goldener Grund Selters, for pedagogical care. This agreement is intended to ensure that the child is looked after by suitable carers outside of school hours.


Places are allocated within the framework of the available spatial capacities. A legal claim does not exist.


§ 2 Reservation of withdrawal

The association reserves the right to withdraw from this agreement if it is determined at the beginning of a new school year that

  • that the care measure cannot be carried out to cover costs, because e.g. B. the funding by the state of Hesse or the district of Limburg-Weilburg is not sufficient, or

  • that suitable carers are not available to the association in sufficient numbers.


The right of withdrawal is exercised by means of a written declaration by the association to the legal guardian. The declaration must be made in good time at the beginning of the school semester. In the event of withdrawal, the caregiving contract has no legal effect.



§ 3 Duration of the Agreement

The agreement is limited to the duration of one school year. The contract is extended if this is requested in writing with a period of one week after the Hessian Easter holidays.

With the completion of the 6th grade, the possibility of participating in the childcare service ends and with it this agreement.



§ 4 Scope of support

Supervision is provided on school days Monday to Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 8:40 a.m. and from 11:20 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. During this period, the support association, in coordination with the school management, ensures that the child is looked after by its own staff. Exceptions to this will be published in the guide.

A minimum participation of two days per week is mandatory to use the offer.   According to personal needs, the care times are to be registered in the written requirement inquiry.

The collection dates are set and communicated in advance by the management of the school island.

According to the Hessian School Act (§15 Para. 3) there is an obligation to participate by registering.

There is generally no childcare during the Hessian school holidays.

§ 5 Payment Obligations

 Participation in the care is free of charge. There are 20 euros for water and handicrafts per school semester. Membership in the association is recommended.

§ 6 Termination

The legal guardian can terminate this agreement prematurely for urgent reasons (change of school, loss of job) at the end of the next month. In the event of gross misconduct on the part of the child, the association, as the body responsible for the facility, can terminate the agreement without notice on the basis of the catalog of measures. This can be viewed on our website and is part of the contract.  


According to the Hessian School Act (§15 Para. 3) there is an obligation to participate by registering. Absences require a written excuse. Three (unexcused) absences without valid reasons will lead to termination without notice by the association.

Any termination must be in writing.

§ 7 Insurance relationship

The contracting parties assume that the way to and from the care offer is counted as the way to school and falls under the protection of statutory accident insurance. The same applies to the care offers of the school and the support association. If this is not the case, the association expressly excludes its liability. Private liability and accident insurance is recommended.

The duty of supervision begins with the registration with the day management and ends with the deregistration. If the care environment is removed without permission, the duty of supervision ends and the parents are informed.

§ 8 data protection

The legal guardian agrees that his/her personal data/that of the child will be stored. They are stored for the purpose of support, billing and administration of memberships.

It will only be passed on to third parties as part of the educational work to the school management, directly affected teachers or when participating in working groups or support programs to the relevant heads. Furthermore, data can be passed on if there is a risk to the welfare of the child in accordance with § 8a SGB VIII. In the cases mentioned, only the data that serve the immediate purpose will be passed on.   A transfer to other persons or institutions is excluded.

§ 9 final provision

Deviating agreements and supplements must be in writing, otherwise they are ineffective. In the event that individual provisions of this agreement are legally invalid for any reason, the validity of the remaining agreement shall not be affected. Rather, the invalid agreement is to be replaced by a legally permissible one that corresponds to the meaning and purpose of this agreement.

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